Our Values

The people are the fabric of the community, and we cherish our friendships while we strive to make new connections. We aim to help people to know Christ and we deepen our commitment to God through prayer, worship and deed. We are thankful for our schools, grateful for our community services and clubs, and proud of our local traditions and festivities. We are open and inclusive, welcoming and friendly.
We love where we live, and it is important to us that you do too. We invite you to our Christian- centred community where faith and everyday life come together. We live in a beautiful rural setting but are close to Oxford and Newbury. Our churches are all lovely distinctive buildings with fascinating histories. They are all well-maintained and many are trialling new service formats and being used for community events.

We believe the church has a positive role to play in the community and that living our faith means providing care and support, encouragement and hope, and joy and happiness to everyone in the community, irrespective of if they come to church. Our purpose is to be Christ-like and point people to Jesus. Our positive energy is high, recent celebratory services have attracted many new members to our churches.